Archive for May, 2012

The little things.



Profile update:

Zak is now an affiliate of the faculty of clinical health psychology at the British Psychological Society

25,000 times a day ?

You breath in and out about 25,000 times every day and yet we hardly notice we are doing it. I invite you to take a moment after reading my words to pay attention to the next 10 breaths you take. They do not have to be deep one or slow ones. Just pay attention. This will allow you to be present with yourself for just a moment.

Take care…….Zak Powers


‘Keep Moving’

Remember, when your feeling low, the most dangerous place to be in your thinking is ‘STUCK’.  You must keep your brain and body moving. Movement causes change and change creates hope.


Mission impossible.


“Nothing is impossible, the word itself  says ‘I’m possible’.”  … Audrey Hepburn

“I love this quote. It comes from an extraordinary woman who truly believed in herself.  But she gave this quote at a time in her life when she was living her success. So if you are not living your success at this time in your life, then don’t expect yourself to be able to fully believe that ‘I’m possible’. You just need to believe in it a little. And then tomorrow a little more and a little more and a little more.

Build your ‘I’m possible and nothing will be impossible’…Zak Powers