Archive for September, 2011

Lets take the bus

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone
who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
Oprah Winfrey.

If you are lucky enough to have someone in your life who will ‘take the bus with you’ or even pay your bus fare when you are broke, then hold this friendship as something truly precious. These type of friends are rare. 

Zak Powers


Lets Hug.

Rescuing Hug


This is a
picture from an article called “The Rescuing Hug”.  The article details the
first week of life of a set of twins.  Apparently, each were in their respective
incubators, and one was not expected to live.  A hospital nurse fought against
the hospital rules and placed the babies in one incubator.  When they were
placed together, the healthier of the two threw an arm over her sister in an
endearing embrace.  The smaller baby’s heart rate stabilized and her temperature
rose to normal.

They both
survived, and are thriving, in fact, the two girls went home to share a crib,
and still snuggle.  The twins are happy attending school now.  The hospital
changed their policy after they saw the effect of putting the two girls
together, and now they bed multiples together.

Let us not
forget to embrace those whom we love!… Zak Powers

who is your best friend ?

“You cannot be lonely  if you like the person you’re alone with”. — Wayne Dyer.

“We spend a lot of our time working on our relationships with other people. In doing this we sometimes neglect the relationship with ourselves. This relationship with ourselves is the most important one of all. For this relationship is the foundation of all the love you will experience in your life. If you don’t know how to love yourself, then start learning NOW. Look at how you manage to love others. You probably love others by being forgiving, kind, understanding and generous. So now :

How can I be forgiving to myself today…..

How can I be kind to myself today……

How can I be generous to myself today….

Now start learning….Zak Powers

Filled with love

In my 15 years in private practice I have learned that the
first two hours of the day are the most difficult for people suffering with
anxiety and depressive thinking. How we wake up to the world is vitally
important to the quality of our day. Every morning I wake up and spend ten
minutes filling my mind with loving thoughts. By doing this I make sure there
is no room left for worry and fear.

“Today I fill my head
with Love”….. Zak Powers

How do you start your
day in a positive way? ? Why not share your experience and post me comment

Making Adjustments

The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to change and the REALIST adjusts his sails. (author  unknown)

“Be a realist and adjust your thinking. It’s the one real practical thing you can do to change your circumstances. Just ask yourself how can I look at this problem differently. Try writing it down like a journalist writing a report, leaving out the emotion and just concentrating on the facts.”..

Have a great weekend and take care of yourself….Zak Powers

Happy endings

“Nobody can go back and start a new
beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”..Maria Robinson.

“Remember the past is history. It continues only to live in your memory. Every time your history tries to interfere with your life today, focus and think only of your new desired ending. For your brain does not know the difference between what you imagine and what you actually experience. So if you picture your new ending long enough, the brain will believe it to be true.”…Zak Powers

Look into my eyes

“As we get older our bodies age and not always as gracefully as we would like.

But our eyes stay young forever.

 Use your eyes.

If you are feeling less that youthful when meeting people, look them straight in the eyes and they will see your beauty.”

…Zak Powers