Archive for August, 2011

We all make mistakes

We all make mistakes. In fact we all make mistakes every single day especially when we are under pressure. And that’s o.k.That is the only way we can learn. Thankfully we don’t all do it on television in front of millions of people. Lets hope this lady was able to forgive herself and that we don’t judge her as ‘stupid’.  She just made a mistake.

Put self forgiveness into your life and keep it there. It is one of the vital elements of emotional survival.

Zak Powers


“Just for today, let your beauty be compared to nothing or no one else”

Have a beautiful day”…. Zak

Do it now !

“A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times”

           …Baltasar Gracian


“So don’t waste time and energy holding off on decisions and choices which you will eventually make anyway. Be wise, do it Now, get it over with and move on. You will feel lighter for the rest of the day”…Zak Powers

One day at a time

“Always remember that the future comes one day at a time”…
Dean Acheson
“remember, only allow your fears to project to the end of TODAY. this way tomorrows fears will be more manageable” … Zak Powers



Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak.  Sometimes it means that you are
strong enough to let go.

“Take a moment and think of something which you feel you should let go. Then take a moment and imagine how different your day would be if you did this.

You may not ‘let go’ immediately but you are teasing your brain as to how it will feel when you choose to do so.”…Zak Powers

I’m O.K

To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.” 

“Take a moment this morning and think of one aspect of yourself that you really like and would never change. Now write it down on a piece of paper and stick it in the back of your wallet or purse. You will forget about it and will come across it at some time in the future on a day when you really need your spirits lifted.” … Zak Powers


A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.

“When you dare to be different and try something all by yourself, it can be lonely and fearful. but I can assure you that the reward you will get in new personal confidence is just Fantastic !!….zak powers

Childs play

“Why not close down my blog and your computer and go and play for a while !”.. zak

lose weight

“If you are currently trying to lose weight, then do your mind and body a favour and throw away the weighing scales. It’s not empowering and it does not create motivation and it does not keep you on track.

In fact It makes you a prisoner in your own body.

Don’t stand on the scales today – Just stand on your own two feet  and say to yourself

“Today I am free to be exactly who I am, and it feels great !”…..Zak

What do you think ?

“Take five minutes today to ‘think you can’. Shifting your negative automatic thoughts will require daily repetition. So get started today and be patient. Change does happen. I know because I have the privilege of seeing it happen in my clients every single day.”…Zak