Tag Archive: cbt

Gently does it.


“There is nothing stronger in the world than  gentleness” …

……Han  Suyin

“Be really really gentle with yourself today. Life is hard and you have a duty of self care to look after yourself.”… Zak Powers



We all make mistakes

We all make mistakes. In fact we all make mistakes every single day especially when we are under pressure. And that’s o.k.That is the only way we can learn. Thankfully we don’t all do it on television in front of millions of people. Lets hope this lady was able to forgive herself and that we don’t judge her as ‘stupid’.  She just made a mistake.

Put self forgiveness into your life and keep it there. It is one of the vital elements of emotional survival.

Zak Powers




“Just for today, let your beauty be compared to nothing or no one else”

Have a beautiful day”…. Zak





A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.

“When you dare to be different and try something all by yourself, it can be lonely and fearful. but I can assure you that the reward you will get in new personal confidence is just Fantastic !!….zak powers



Childs play

“Why not close down my blog and your computer and go and play for a while !”.. zak




lose weight

“If you are currently trying to lose weight, then do your mind and body a favour and throw away the weighing scales. It’s not empowering and it does not create motivation and it does not keep you on track.

In fact It makes you a prisoner in your own body.

Don’t stand on the scales today – Just stand on your own two feet  and say to yourself

“Today I am free to be exactly who I am, and it feels great !”…..Zak


What do you think ?

“Take five minutes today to ‘think you can’. Shifting your negative automatic thoughts will require daily repetition. So get started today and be patient. Change does happen. I know because I have the privilege of seeing it happen in my clients every single day.”…Zak



Take note




Take a deep breath

“Holding on to anything is like holding on to your breath. You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go & it will be yours forever.”…Deepak chopra.

“I love this quote because I meet clients everyday who are emotionally holding on to their breath. We must let air and life into our bodies and we must let out and release life all in the same breath. We hold on tightly to things out of fear and I encourage you today to take five minutes to take in air and let your fear out.”…Zak


Deepak Chopra