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Ben can see with his ears !!

One more push !

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize

 how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison

“Imagine what would happen if you pushed a little harder or held on  a little longer.

…just imagine..   Zak

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths that we take but by the moments that take our breath away”……unknown.

If you want a breath-taking moment supplied by mother nature, then take a look at this clip..

‘Keep Moving’

Remember, when your feeling low, the most dangerous place to be in your thinking is ‘STUCK’.  You must keep your brain and body moving. Movement causes change and change creates hope.


25,000 times a day ?

You breathe in and out about 25,000 times every day and yet we hardly notice we are doing it. I invite you to take a moment after reading my words to pay attention to the next 10 breaths you take. They do not have to be deep one or slow ones. Just pay attention. This will allow you to be present with yourself for just a moment. And while in this moment think of just one thing to be thankful for today.

Take care…….Zak Powers Official Blog

Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the begining of wisdom….T. Rubin.

take the next five minutes of your day and be kind to yourself. Do nothing more than tell yourself your doing really well….Zak Powers

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Mind magic

The forgotton minds

Fake Fear


Do you ever fear that others will discover that you are just faking it ?

Well let me tell you something to put your mind at ease…

We’re all faking it…every single one of us.

And that’s O.K.

….Zak Powers



(Knowledge is power, share the power and re- post to your friends)

The little things.



Profile update:

Zak is now an affiliate of the faculty of clinical health psychology at the British Psychological Society